It is with great pride that we take a moment to announce that Lyndsey McNally has been elected to the Board of the Toronto Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute.  Lyndsey has earned the respect of her peers and the condominium market in Toronto through her dedication to helping others, and her great skill and accomplishments in writing articles, educational manuals and many other topical and timely information pieces about the condominium world.  Her boundless energy will no doubt be a welcome addition to the hard work that happens at the Board level of CCI Toronto.


Malvern Condominium Property Management has supported CCI for many years in both volunteer effort and financial support.  We believe that the impartial education and information for Condominium Directors has been the key to helping the market mature while enabling condominiums to become better places to live for all residents.  Lyndsey is proud to be able to continue that work, and is honoured to be given the opportunity to continue the great leadership of her predecessors at CCI.